Under the law of Personal data protection, any data belonging to your personal data is deemed to be personally identifiable. Your CV information, name, surname, e-mail, telephone and address information that you provide in the job application and contact forms due to your business application will be processed by BATIÇİM BATI ANADOLU CEMENT SANAYİ A.Ş. as data officer. We will process your data for the purpose of understanding your eligibility for your employment and for communication purposes and our group companies are Batıbeton Sanayi A. Ş, Batıliman Port Enterprises A. Ş, Batısöke Söke Cement Industry Co... Your data will be transferred to these companies. Your data will be stored in a digital environment and in a physical environment for a year from the date of your application in the subsequent period of the need to be deleted from the digital media. The physical environment will be burned and destroyed.
Personal Data Protection Act 11. You may use the following rights under the article. Personal data of persons processed,
A. Learning whether personal data has been processed,
B. Requesting information about this if personal data has been processed,
C. To determine the purpose of processing personal data and whether it is used in accordance with their purpose,
Ç. To know the third parties in which personal data is transmitted domestically or abroad,
D. Requesting correction of personal data if it is incomplete or mishandled,
E. Act 7. To request the deletion or destruction of personal data under the conditions stipulated in the article,
F. Request that the transactions made in accordance with the correction, deletion and destruction requests of the substance (d) and (e) be notified to third parties to which the personal data is transmitted,
G. Object to the emergence of a result against the person by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
H. In the absence of damages due to the processing of personal data in violation of the law, there is a right to request the removal of losses.
Claims are made in writing to the company headquarters address. The applicant is responded to in the latest 30 from the application, and if the demand is in accordance with the law, the necessary measures are taken to fulfill the requirement; Otherwise, the claim is rejected. After the date of the data subject's rejection, thirty and in any case the data subject may be complained to the Personal Data Protection Board within sixty days of the application date. In this context, it is imperative that the concerned persons submit their requests for the enforcement of the law primarily to the data problem.